
January, January, January.

Another few quid debited from my bank account for my very neglected corner of the internet so I’m going to dust off the cobwebs and see what happens. Do people even blog anymore? Its been years, I don’t know how many but a lot has happened. In a nutshell we eloped, built a vegetable patch, inherited an extra goat and had a baby.

For January, we are keeping it simple, no hard fast resolutions in this house as we are just getting back into the swing of things after Christmas. We’re doing #veganuary and in between all the illness have made a small dent in our #1000hoursoutside project.

I feel that January is a month I just muddle through, although this year its more like wading. I’m looking forward to February, when I will start to come out of my hibernation and stop missing the warmth of the twinkly Christmas lights. I’ve been making plans for days out and to make a start on our veggie patch.

Some of our highlights of January were walking in our favourite woods, searching for fairy doors and mushrooms. There was the morning H and I explored Midleton Community Garden with a friend. They had some beautiful ducks and chickens! We saw Peter Pan at the Opera House, we had mixed feelings about that though. And we spent a glorious hour outside in our wellies and pjs tidying the veg patch and digging tunnels in the (for now) empty vegetable beds.

One response to “January

  1. Lovely to hear from you again Belle. Always loved your writing. It’s funny, I was actually thinking yesterday…does anyone blog anymore? .. followed by the thought … I must put pen to paper or in reality finger a to keyboard and start again. Thanks for the inspiration ❤ chat soon love to all xxx


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